
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Queen's Day: The Final.

Yesterday was historic and I've been celebrating in Amsterdam, of all places. It’s the Orange capitol, 'cause they do take those things seriously around here. Do not joke with the Dutch when it comes to the pride and honour of their country. If you want to blend in on a day like this you'd better be wearing the theme colour. (which is orange, if you hadn't noticed yet)

It was a memorable day, not only because Queen Beatrix abdicated but on this very same day the new King, Willem-Alexander, has been inaugurated. In other words: things will never be the same again. Not only in regards to his (expected) different way of reign, but next year we'll be celebrating King's Day, and no longer on the 30th of April but on the 27th instead. It's understandable but still, it'll probably feel a bit weird. Good thing we've got a year to get used to the idea. Thankfully the theme colour will remain the same...

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