
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's your choice.

There are so many things we take for granted. Things we don't notice until they're gone, and that means we're too late. Too late to show affection. Too late to give a well-earned compliment. Too late to enjoy the things you should've enjoyed to the fullest. It's sad how often you don't realize the importance of certain things until it's too late. Can't we implement some sort of notification, a heads-up, just so we don't regret these things later in life?

The fact that you can choose your own happiness is one of the things I keep reminding myself. Same as: looking back keeps you from moving forward. Or: you only get one chance for a first impression. It's never too late to grow and explore, as long as you set your own boundaries. It feels like I've grown a lot the last couple of weeks, on an emotional level, though I don't think others are noticing any difference. But I've noticed that it's true: you get what you give, and it looks like I've been very generous with smiles and positivity...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A one-way ticket to ...

... Los Angeles, please. If only I could just pack up and leave, I would definitely go to LA.
A ticket will cost me approx. 650 euros (US Airways), in addition to the hotel (200 euro) and renting a car (300 euro). Yeah, I hear you thinking: 'what's going on in that silly head of hers?' To be honest: I have absolutely no idea.

Just the idea of going to LA, visiting Universal Studios, meeting new people and taking a stroll on Venice Beach, is very attractive. I know I'm stuck in the cold, wet and depressing weather conditions of the Netherlands for the next 3 months but a girl can dream, right? I can already imagine myself in shorts and bare feet, enjoying a main dish of sunshine and relaxing on the beach. Perhaps treating myself with the sight of shirtless men (Muscle Beach) on the side...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Let the sun shine!

I've already posted it on Facebook last week: I'm in desperate need of sunshine and a summery feeling. Honestly, I'm soooo done with the cold and grey weather. We're nearing the end of April... How 'bout some sunshine?

Feels like we can all use some positive energy and the start of the next season might just be what we need. Perhaps we can skip spring and go straight to summer: that might be even better! On the other hand, summers in the Netherlands aren't that spectacular ... Perhaps I'd better just go and search the Internet for a nice vacation in Turkey or Portugal, all inclusive for a week. Yeah, that might just do the trick!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's not you, it's me (Part 2)

I've only posted 5 blogs so far, but I think it's safe to say they gave you a rather good impression of me and my personality, so you probably won't be surprised when I say I'm not a very confident person. I'm easily impressed and that's good for the self-esteem of others, but sometimes it puts me in difficult situations. For example, not too long ago a guy came up to me and we started talking. This was fine, of course, as I never had any other intentions than just have a nice conversation.

Unfortunately his intentions diverted mid-way and he became sort of pushy. Dude, what's up with that?! Why can't we just talk and get to know each other before these expectations are being set? I told him I just came out of a relationship, but according to him it was best (for all of us?) to get back on the horse straight away. Yeah ... sure. I felt stupid for getting caught in this situation, perhaps he misinterpreted some of the things I said. I'm quite complimentary, because I know it makes others feel good and I think if somebody does something right, it's nice to acknowledge it to them. But apparently he thought I was massively flirting with him.

Okay, so I had to throw in the old 'it's not you, it's me', but still it took me half an hour to get the message across. I know I should take it as a compliment that he was interested in the first place, but I thought I'd been pretty clear from the start. Don't get me wrong: it didn't ruin my night, though I'll be thinking twice next time a guy comes up to me for a chat. Consider yourself warned ...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Move that body!

The introduction to salsa dancing was fun! And fun is understatement: I had a blast. At first I thought I wouldn't go through with it but after staying late at work I eventually gathered the courage to get in the car and just go for it. Of course I wasted a lot of time driving back and forth, trying to find a parking spot, so it's a good thing I'm always so freakishly early. Entering the club on my own was a bit confrontational because they were all staring (or it just felt that way), but I smiled and made my way over to the bar.

The plus side of going somewhere on your own is that it's easier for others to start a conversation, compared to when you're with a group. I was just settling in at the corner of the bar when one of the dance instructors came over and started to chat. Not too long after he left another guy started a conversation about work and politely pointed out I was still wearing my batch. Embarrassing! We talked for a while and it turned out the company he works for is a customer of the company I work for. It's a small world after all.

I've danced my way through childhood and puberty, but lost interest along the way and stopped doing it. A shame, actually, because I really enjoyed doing it. So, while on my mission of discovering myself, I've decided it's about time I go ahead and start moving this body again. Shaking the laziness out! Guess I'll be hating myself the first few lessons...

The side effect.

Besides the fact that the relationship between The Boss and I ended, it also meant the end of the relationship between me and his family, and the relationship between him and my family. At times it seems like they are taking the split harder than we are. I guess they mean well, but being with them is a constant reminder that we're no longer together. No, I don't know how he's doing and I definitely don't know what he did last weekend. Stop asking, please. Get over it! At least I'm trying to...

My dad, on the other hand, is in his element now he's back on the job as the 'protector' of his little girl. You'd think, by the age of 24 and at 5.9ft, I'd be a woman who can fend for herself, but he probably still thinks of me as the 6-year old he had to scoop up in his arms after I fell from a tree and broke my leg in several places. It's like he lend the job to The Boss for the time being, but got back on track the moment it was announced we'd separated. Guess he's still the same hero, too.

There's an upcoming party and I'm a bit anxious as it will be the first time I have to face the whole family as a single woman. Well, there's going to be a first for everything, and I'd rather just get it over with. Luckily I've still got two weeks to lose a bit more weight and look my best. I'm going to make sure being single suits me!

The list.

Okay, so we've got something to work towards to; making the list and then start living in a way to accomplish each and every item that's on it. As mentioned, in some cases it will require saving money for, making arrangements at work and overall trying to overcome my anxiety of doing things on my own. I'm not very brave, yet.

1. All-inclusive 8-day vacation (anywhere sunny and > 25°C)
2. Road trip Europe
3. Southeast Asia
4. Australia
5. New Zealand
6. Road trip U.S.A.

1. Overcome my shyness
2. Become brave
3. Be able to manage on my own
4. Enjoy the little things in life
5. Live life to the fullest
6. Be confident with my body and my overall looks
7. Make new friends
8. Meet up with old friends

To do.
1. Find a place to live (a.s.a.p.)
2. Apply for a job as a PA
3. Get a manicure (I'm not a girly-girl)
4. Get a pedicure (same explanation, trying really hard to love the colour pink as well)
5. Live abroad for at least 1 year
6. Make the site a success
7. Learn how to salsa dance (Update: signed up and already had two lessons)
8. Celebrate carnival in Rio
9. Go to a music concert (Update: tickets for Bruno Mars concert 15th of October are a fact!)
10. Finish (at least) one project (writing a book)

That's it; the list is out there. Some of the things are easy and average and won't take much time, money or preparation. Others will take a bit more time and effort but I'll do whatever I can to make it work. Fun (??) fact: a year ago I was making plans to have a baby with The Boss, saving money and finding ways to persuade him. And look at me now: trying to become a happy and independent, solo world traveling woman who's fearless and confident. Quite a contradiction and it makes me wonder: does everything really happen for a reason?

Follow me.

To make things easier I've made it possible for you to follow me on It gives you the option (if you're registered with a blog of your own) to select my site and every new post will show on your overview. Easy, right?!

If you don't have your own site but still would like to receive an update when I publish something new, you can enter your e-mail address in the sidebar and you'll receive an e-mail every time the site is updated with a new article.

I really enjoy reading other blogs, so if you do have a site, please share the link in the comments and I will make sure to check it out!

It's not you, it's me.

I might as well get straight to it and try to explain the purpose of creating this blog...

Not too long ago I ended the relationship with this great guy (let's refer to him as The Boss). We were together for nearly 6 years and though it's been my decision to take a time off, I feel a bit lost ever since. It's not like we ran out of love, there was no affaire, no major fight or misunderstanding, but in the end we just grew apart. We let it happen and didn't notice until it was too late. I don't think either one of us is to blame, but that doesn't make it any easier.

Though it hurts like hell, I try to get something positive out of the current situation:

1. I haven't been on my own since I left my parents' house (at 22) and been in a relationship from age 15 to 18, and then from 18 to age 24. So basically I will have to learn to be on my own. I'm good at taking care of others; let's see how good I am at taking care of myself. If this is my last post, you'll know I failed terribly...

2. In order to keep my mind occupied I've made a list of things I want to do while being single, for as long as I'm feeling brave and set to the limit of my broken heart. The Boss and I once made the vow we'd follow each other anywhere but this is a challenge I'll have to conquer on my own. (and is already taken so you'll just have to follow me everywhere instead)

- Travel the world
- Finish at least one project (separate post will follow soon)
- Visit a concert
- Party until sunrise
- ... More to come

On you can follow me on my missions, completing one goal at a time. I'll have to save money before I can travel, make arrangements at work to get a few months off and get things straight on how I'm going to do all of this on my own. You're invited to be my witness: watch me fail or be supportive and help me succeed. It's all or nothing, either way: I'm doing it!