My brain has an endless hard drive. I recall memories of years ago as if they happened yesterday. Last weekend the Boss told me our shared hard drive had fallen, hit the ground and was damaged so severely he couldn't fix it. In other words: all our pictures, stories and memories of the past 7 years are gone. Instantly, within seconds, completely wiped out. That's an easy way to get over me, you'd think...
Well, I won't give up that easily and since I still got the majority of our time together stored on my internal hard drive, I can relive the moments whenever I want. I don't resent the time we spent together, I cherish them. And therefore I don't mind looking back and listening to our songs, sometimes I actually enjoy it, even though he might not want me to. I deleted the things I didn't want to remember, made space on my hard drive for new experiences, but you can drop me, I can hit the ground, get bruised and slightly dented, but this hard drive will never break down. With karma being the bitch she is, I'll probably get hit by dementia...
(song starts at 00:19)
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