At the beginning of August I wrote a post called '
Want some cheese with that line?' and it was about a man I met at a party. He had taken the effort to chat me up with some real cheesy lines and I enjoyed his sense of humour (and the British accent!). Unfortunately, back then, I was still very concerned of the Boss' emotions and him reading it, coming to wrong conclusions and it resulting in a huge argument. Well, we did end up in a huge argument but that wasn't because of what I'd written, nor about the Soldier I'd met, but just because of the emotional frustration we were dealing with at the time.
I pulled the post back shortly after I published it and deleted it completely after a few moments of doubt (I am very thorough). It was a fun blog and it reminded me of the moment at the bar; being chatted up like that was something I'd never experienced before. Unfortunately I was too concerned about others being upset by it that I didn't consider me being upset for deleting it. The old 'if I knew then what I know now' story but; shit happens.
A long intro to get to the point of today's post: another new experience! Last week I went out to dinner with my manager and an important customer of ours, when I saw two guys looking at my boots. OK, the boots were ugly (horrendous) but they kept my feet warm so I didn't really care. But, me being nosy, when the rest of my group was walking towards our table, I just walked up to these guys and asked them whether there was something wrong with my shoes. You should've seen the look on their faces! Apparently they were unaware of me noticing their disapproving looks so it was quite funny to hear their excuses; my boots were out of style, last season and all that. Seriously: who cares?! Anyway, not much later, just as we were finishing our starters; one of the guys came over and gave me a note. You should've seen the look on my face now!