
Monday, August 26, 2013

Another point of view

As you  know I'm total freak when it comes to making lists. While I was still at school I kept myself busy by not only updating my agenda, but also those of fellow students. What can I say; I just wanted them to have their homework done on time...

Once done with school I started making lists for pretty much everything. Literally: everything. I’d make lists for grocery shopping; reasons to save money; how to save money; traveling and a bucket list. A list of things I want to do before my time has come. To be quite honest: my list wasn’t that exciting nor original. Nowadays there are sites with all sorts of suggestions while I had to spend hours coming up with things to do. I'll be the first to admit that some were just to fill the page, as if I'd ever do them... Jumping out of an airplane: seriously? Getting a tattoo: are you kiddin' me? Write a book before my 25th birthday: too late now anyway. Recently I've started thinking about the concept of making a list of things you want to do before you die and, knowing me, I'd be so disappointed if I won't be able to cross the whole thing off. How miserable would I feel when I'm filling my last moments on earth with disappointment? That's not really motiving, is it?

So I've decided to turn the concept around. Instead of making a list of things I want to do, I'll keep track of all the things I've already done. ‘Been there; done that’ sort of thing. These are memories no-one can ever take away from me. A fresh wave of positive thinking. Beat that, disappointment!

Memories like traveling to Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Croatia, Bulgaria, Malta, Italy, America (California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Florida), United Kingdom and within 2 weeks: Portugal as well. 

And things you should experience once in your life, like horseback riding through Bryce Canyon, indoor skydiving, an airboat ride through the Everglades, snorkeling in the reef of Key West,  holding a snake, getting a Brazilian wax, dye your eyebrows and eyelashes, get caught having sex, learn how to salsa dance, sing in public even though you're out of tune, dance in the streets like nobody's watching, make out with a stranger, learn to appreciate certain types of food, but the most important one: live life to the fullest, because you only live once!

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